This year marks the eighth year of the international aed neuland young talent competition for designers supported by the Karl Schlecht Foundation. No less than 508 entries were received from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Russia, Belarus and Mexico this year. According to the summary from the aed board members and coordinators of the competition Silvia Olp, Dr Frank Heinlein and Dr Petra Kiedaisch: “The standard has risen yet again and it says a great deal about the award that it is attracting not only a greater quantity but also greater quality.” aed is a member-led, non-profit initiative that aims to promote the great design skills in the Stuttgart region – from product and graphic design, multimedia and engineering through to architecture – and to make them accessible to the public.
One gold distinction was awarded in each of the five categories “Architecture + Engineering”, “Exhibition Design + Interior Design”, “Product Design”, “Communication Design” and “Interaction Design”, as well as up to four silver awards and several commendations. The 20-person jury – which included Lutz Dietzold, CEO of the German Design Council, and Stephan Ott, Director of the Institute for Design Research and Appliance which is based at the German Design Council – met online to make their decisions and a digital awards ceremony then followed on 15 June. Further information about all the prize-winners can be found on the aed neuland 2021 website.
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