3 min read
Photo: Faculty of Design, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

The summer semester was shaped by the restrictions relating to the coronavirus pandemic again this year. Teaching and project work was often limited to a digital or hybrid format at many universities. The same now also applies for the tours and annual exhibitions that art and design universities put on at the end of the summer semester in many places. Whatever their format, these showcases are an excellent opportunity to find out about the state of education and learn which topics and issues are on the minds of the students and soon-to-be designers and artists. Here are some of the events:

Open days have recently taken place at some universities such as Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel,Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen and Weissensee Academy of Art Berlin. Visit the websites to find out more.

Mainz University of Applied Sciences is still showing its communication design exhibition until 16 July, revealing what the graduates worked on, designed, created and printed over the semester. The results can be viewed in the LUX pavilion at Mainz University of Applied Sciences and digitally.

The University of the Arts Bremen is holding this year’s annual exhibition entitled “Paradiesvögel im Taubenheim” (“Birds of paradise at the Taubenheim”) from 12 July as part of Open Space, with a digital and analogue showcase of students’ work, performances and installations, as well as the presentation of the prestigious Frese Design Award.

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is hosting summaery2021 from 15 to 18 July. Coordinated by the Faculty of Art and Design, the annual exhibition is intended to round off 18 months of study and work in the pandemic.

Braunschweig University of Art is offering a digital tour for the first time from 15 to 25 July, showcasing work and projects produced under the difficult conditions of the pandemic. As physical visits are not possible this year, the website will then remain available online until the end of September.

The annual exhibition at the Kunsthochschule Kassel entitled “dezentraler Kunstgenuss” (“decentralised art appreciation”) is being held from 15 to 25 July digitally and in the Kassel city area.

At Reutlingen University, students of Transportation Interior Design spent a semester looking at questions surrounding the mobility of the future and are presenting the results of their studies with a live showcase of work on 16 July.

The show at the School of Design at Pforzheim University opens on 16 July with a variety of design work from all courses and artistic foundations studies. The online show is accompanied by pop-up exhibitions and events in the city centre.

The University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd is presenting a 360° tour of the university and more than 500 design projects from bachelor’s and master’s courses in its digital semester exhibition from 16 to 18 July.

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle opens its digital show on 17 July, but students’ interventions and projects will also be available to explore in person. The exhibition “Sunrise. Diplome der Kunst” (“Sunrise. Art diplomas”) will also be open to visitors until 1 August.

Instead of the usual showcase of student work as part of an open day at the Design department at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, the semester coursework and thesis projects from the last twelve months will be displayed to the public with an Instagram presentation starting on 23 July. Other work will be displayed in the windows for visitors to view on a walk around the department’s building.

The approximately 900 students at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design are presenting their latest coursework and projects from 23 to 25 July with a tour, which will have a hybrid format this year. The current work from architecture, design, art/art education and art history/restoration courses will be presented on an interactive online platform. A digital live programme including performances and DJ sets, awards ceremonies and highlights from the tour will round off the virtual exhibition.

Berlin University of the Arts, Germany’s largest university of the arts, has postponed its “Rundgang – Open Days” event due to the pandemic. This will take place from 29 to 31 October in a digital and analogue format, taking into account the pandemic-related regulations in place at the time.

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