1 min read
© designforum – Verein zur Förderung von österreichischem Design 2018

Whether Almdudler, Atomic, Manner, KTM, Red Bull, Pago, Bad Ischler Salz, ÖBB or Zumtobel, many Austrian brands have a presence in Germany and internationally, too. Nevertheless, they still beg the question: what do we really know about these brands? An exhibition at designforum Wien called “Austrian Brand Stories” is now putting the spotlight on the background stories behind cult Austrian brands.

People perceive brands as being part of day-to-day aesthetics. They ensure feelings of loyalty and attachment among consumers and they have a considerable role in shaping the cultural environment. Like certain sports, typical cuisine, art and architecture, they help define how a country sees itself and produce a national cultural identity.

From 9 June to 12 September, “Austrian Brand Stories” will look behind the scenes at Austrian brands and talk about their creation, key moments and current challenges and about people, families, designers and iconic design.

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