The traffic density in city centres has increased significantly in recent years. Bicycles represent the most promising way out of this situation. They can be used flexibly, produce zero emissions and are one of the fastest and most efficient modes of transport in central areas. The disadvantage of cycling is that many users must switch to public transport or their car when it is raining, cold or icy. Cycling also becomes difficult when riders need to transport large loads of cargo that do not fit on a standard rack. With its recent presentation of a cargo bicycle and e-scooter, the BMW Group has unveiled two innovative concepts for urban transport.
Concept DYNAMIC CARGO is a compact three-wheeled cargo bicycle concept with high agility, flexible options for usage and less dependence on the season of the year. It features a cargo space that can be used variably, with different attachments for transporting cargo and/or children and for recreational activities. “Our goal was to develop a concept that retains the agility and ride feel of a normal bicycle while adding innovative and safe options for transport,” said Jochen Karg, head of vehicle concepts in the BMW Group’s New Technologies and China division. “The ‘Concept DYNAMIC CARGO’ is the first dynamic ‘pickup’ cargo bike that combines riding pleasure with flexible use and increased year-round suitability.”
Concept CLEVER COMMUTE, the second vehicle, is intended to be the ideal companion for the “last mile”, offering an ergonomic ride for day-to-day life, excellent ride stability and extreme compactness when packed up. The e-scooter can be conveniently folded up for carrying onto public transport and/or into a car, letting users enjoy truly multimodal travel. Both concepts have been designed in such a way that their electric range can be scaled up or down in accordance with their intended use. Their batteries are removable and can be charged at home. The BMW Group will not be producing the two concepts itself; the company is in talks with potential licensees.
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