What narratives do materials tell? How significant are the aspects of narration in art and design? Do materials’ narratives make these materials so ordered and accessible that they can be used in teaching and research? Can narratives be digitally connected with corresponding knowledge of materials? BurgMaterial is a research project that aims to expand knowledge about materials through aspects of narration and to transfer it to a contemporary education concept for an existing collection of materials. It has received EUR 300,000 in funding from the state of Saxony-Anhalt for a three-year period. By integrating with the materials archive, the narrative content is to be made accessible in an inspiring way and the fields of application intelligently and creatively connected with the materials. There are also plans to develop and test communication situations based on current art and design education concepts. In doing this, the goal is to exploit the associative potential of materials, their cultural references and their individual references.
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