The time has come again: Until 31 March, Stiftung Buchkunst is accepting entries for the ‘The Best German Book Design’ and ‘Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Desig’ competitions. Publishers, book designers and production companies can submit books that will be published between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025.

Germany’s most beautiful books
The tradition-rich competition ‘The Best German Book Design’ was launched in 1929 against the backdrop of the industrialisation of book production, with the aim of promoting outstanding book design and production. Each year, in a multi-stage process, two expert juries select five entries in each of the five categories: ‘General Literature’, ‘Scientific Books, Specialist Books, School and Textbooks’, ‘Guidebooks, Non-Fiction’, ‘Art Books, Photography Books, Exhibition Catalogues’ and ‘Children’s Books, Youth Books’. The winners will automatically be in the running for the 10,000 euro Stiftung Buchkunst prize. Books with a regional focus can also be submitted for the competition Germany’s Most Beautiful Regional Book.
Young Book Design Award
The ‘Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design‘ has been presented annually by the Stiftung Buchkunst since 1989 and is aimed at designers, typographers, manufacturers and students who develop innovative and forward-looking concepts for printed or hybrid book forms. The aim is to give new impetus to the book design of tomorrow. The jury, consisting of designers and university representatives, will select three winning titles. Criteria include overall impression, concept, graphic design, typography and image. The winners will receive €2,000 each. In addition, the selected book projects will be honoured in a special exhibition at the in Berlin, which will be on display from 17 July 2025.
The award ceremony for both competitions traditionally takes place on the first Friday in September at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt. The winning books, as well as the shortlist and longlist of both competitions, will be presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2025 and other national and international book fairs. The 25 ‘Best German Book Designs’ will also be exhibited at numerous locations in Germany.
All details about the competitions and the necessary forms can be found at:
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