1 min read

Carbon Counts. An interactive, online exhibition about decarbonising architecture

Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios and Studio Mothership have launched an interactive, online exhibition called Carbon Counts. The digital exhibition presents scientific findings, case studies, films and animations to start a conversation about architectural materials. The exhibition forms part of Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios’ response to the Architects Declare manifesto on the climate and biodiversity crises, making the case for an accelerated transition to post-fossil-fuel materials and low-carbon construction and economies. Carbon Counts summarises key indicators such as the CO2 footprint of materials currently used in architecture, such as aluminium, bamboo, concrete and copper. The exhibition seeks to stimulate a broader debate in architecture in order “to continue to research, test, analyse and develop”. “We must arm ourselves with this knowledge”, it argues, “because we have to act.”