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With the adoption of the ‘Nationale Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie (NKWS)’ (engl. National Circular Economy Strategy)on 4 December 2024, the German government is sending out a clear message: by 2045, Germany wants to become a global leader in resource-efficient economic activity, protecting the environment, biodiversity and the climate while strengthening the independence and competitiveness of the economy.

Die Bundesregierung hat am 4. Dezember 2024 die Nationale Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie verabschiedet. Grafik © BMUV

Germany’s National Circular Economy Strategy follows the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan, which sets out the objectives of the EU Green Deal.  ‘With the NKW, we are responding innovatively and effectively to environmental and economic challenges’, said Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke. A key objective is to reduce the per capita consumption of primary raw materials to 8 tonnes per year – a considerable challenge given the current level of 16 tonnes. At the heart of the NKWS is the closing of material cycles, with a particular focus on increasing the proportion of secondary raw materials in construction materials, plastics and metals.  

The transition to a circular economy is seen as a task for society as a whole. The NKWS identifies 11 key action areas with significant potential for impact. It considers the entire life cycle of products, from design and material selection through production, use, reuse and recycling. The ultimate goal is to prevent waste by creating products that are durable, repairable and resource efficient.  

Concrete measures and tools will be introduced to drive implementation, such as standards for durable products, the introduction of digital product passports (see also our series on the revised Ecodesign Directive ESPR), mandatory quotas for recycled materials, an extension of consumers’ right to repair and stricter requirements for public procurement.  

The German government expects the NKWS to strengthen the economy by reducing dependence on imported raw materials and increasing competitiveness. Environmental and business organisations have broadly welcomed the strategy, which aims to position Germany as a leading market for the circular economy. ‘Made in Germany’ is to become ‘Circularity Made in Germany’, according to the 160-page strategy document.

The Federal Government adopted the National Circular Economy Strategy on 4 December 2024 | Graphic © BMUV

New website goes live

The ‘Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUV)’ (engl. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection) has revised its website on the circular economy. The new website www.kreislaufwirtschaft-deutschland.de brings together information on the NKWS, connects stakeholders and offers central support services. The infographic ‘Discover the circular economy’ is already available and a map with more than 60 offers will follow in mid-December 2024.

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