1 min read

Designing with Artificial Intelligence. A conference in Berlin

We frequently hear about general issues, critical reports and informative events relating to artificial intelligence in the media. Much less is said about the potential of this emerging technology in the field of design. The conference Designing with Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Berlin on 15 May 2020, aims to address this shortfall with a wide-ranging programme, and to explore issues that result from designing both for and with machine learning algorithms and assistance systems. How does a designer’s job, role and understanding change when the machine makes fundamental design decisions and ceases to be merely a passive tool? What are the implications when predictions about personal preferences, habits and user behaviour become an essential part of the user experience? What ramifications do these changes have on the concept and practice of what we call creativity? And how does machine learning alter strategic design, corporate identity and personal design aesthetics? To find the answers to these questions, the organisers, Marc Engenhart and Prof. Dr Sebastian Löwe, have invited international experts to appear as speakers. The conference is aimed at designers, design managers and design theorists from the world of academia and business, as well as a broad professional audience. Put this date in your diary now, because events of this kind usually book out quickly.