Successful branding, design as brand language and brand strategy are decisive success factors for corporate positioning. Saskia Diehl, Managing Director GMK Markenberatung, Matthias Oetting, Director Marketing at OASE, and Lutz Dietzold discuss challenges and perspectives of brand management in the field of tension of digitalisation and pandemic. The discussion is moderated by Julia Bauer.
Companies have recently been confronted with new opportunities and risks. This also gives rise to new questions for brand management. How does Corona change the way we think and act in brand management? What role does design play in the implementation and further development of a brand? And what influence does digitalisation have on brand management?
In conversation with Lutz Dietzold, CEO of the German Design Council, brand experts Saskia Diehl and Matthias Oetting discuss the requirements on successful branding in times of volatile market situations:
Saskia Diehl and Matthias Oetting

Saskia Diehl is Managing Director of GMK Markenberatung and lecturer for consumer behaviour and neuromarketing. At GMK Markenberatung she advises international clients on efficient brand and brand portfolio management, from brand strategy and implementation to sustainable brand monitoring.
“Design is a key factor when we talk about implementation.”
— Saskia Diehl

Mathias Oetting a brand strategist with a cross-industry background in the healthcare and technology sectors. He is now the Director of Marketing at Oase, a premium manufacturer of water and fountain technologies, where he is responsible for the brand’s global launches.
“Brand makers have a significant task to employ the right channels with the right attitude, and also to adapt their brand to the right channels.”
— Matthias Oetting
German Design Awards »All Eyes On«
This video was produced for All Eyes On, the digital programme for the 2021 German Design Awards. Over a period of four weeks, the German Design Council will present to you the recipients of the Gold Awards and their projects, as well as interviews and round-table discussions with design experts, entrepreneurs and journalists. The talks will focus on current trends and design topics related to innovation, branding, sustainability and digitalisation.
Special highlights will include the introduction of the Newcomer Award finalists, the selection of the “Newcomer of the Year 2021” and an interview with “Personality of the Year” Paola Antonelli, architect and curator of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.
You can follow the current programme on the All Eyes On website until 12 March. Be part of the experience!

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