1 min read

Fiction Forum now open in Berlin

The cultural and creative industries are said to have enormous potential to shape the future of society. However, the products and projects they produce often go unnoticed by the general public, making it difficult for many people to judge their future viability. The Berlin-based Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes (Federal Competence Centre for Creative and Cultural Industry) hopes to address this issue with a new exhibition and dialogue space called Fiction Forum, which opened last week in Berlin. This is a place where interested members of the public can see first-hand, discuss and experience new innovations and projects from the creative industries. The new forum is the result of a partnership with Berlin’s Charité University Hospital that seeks to highlight the new approaches and potential that arise from creative entrepreneurship, and the resulting benefits for society and health. Plans are afoot to create a facade for the Fiction Forum with a 3D-printed installation about eco habitats. Located at Invalidenstrasse 86 in Berlin, the forum is open Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm.