2 Min Lesezeit
Fure-Konferenz über die Zukunft des Lesens in Münster.

Today, images are not the only thing that circulates in unimaginable quantities. Furthermore, there are more texts than ever before. People are writing and reading more than ever in the age of media communication: Newspapers, books, online magazines, blogs, tweets, and WhatsApp messages are all examples. “The logical conclusion,” says the conference announcement, “must therefore be: Things can’t be all that bad for literacy – after all, the constant warning of a decline in literacy is perhaps more the lament of a pack of cultural pessimists.” On the other hand, it is not only what we read, but also “how we read,” that changes us. Whereas “how the digital age is changing us and how we can shape the transition to new technology” is still unknown. Specifically: “What new roles can print take in the digital age? What are the ideas and possibilities in digital reading? How do the two media influence each other, both positively and negatively? How does reading compare to other technologies such as playing, listening, and watching?”

“The Future of Reading,” or FURE for short, was founded in 2017 as a platform for practice and theory, for statements, visions, and positions of designers, media professionals, and creative people. After a short break due to the pandemic, the FURE conference will resume on March 17 in Münster. The designer Sabine Reister will then speak about “Touch it. Feel it“, Lars C. Grabbe, Professor of Perception Theory, Communication Theory, and Media at the Münster School of Design (MSD), on “Digital Haptics” and the text as a “interface of physicality and technical mediation. Andreas Plettner, marketing and new business field director at Hamburg agency MedienSchiff BRuno, shifts from “Gutenberg to Metaverse” under the title “Jetzt nur nicht den Sand in den Kopf stecken”; Adrian Szymanski, Pascal Reckel, and Konstantin Schulze from MSD report on “Reading experience” as a “Transmedial Media Concept”. Verena Gerlach, a graphic designer, typographer, and book designer, will discuss what could have always been done better under the heading “Something is always”; Birgit Schmitz, a letterpress publisher from TOC, will discuss “Print vs. digital,” and Marleen Krallmann, a typographer and calligrapher, will speak about “Reading. Understand. Learn.” Imke Mühlenfeld, a communication designer, will focus on “Typography in Didactics. “Print is dead, is dead, is never dead,” declares Max Andreas Wrede magazine’s editor-in-chief; “Once digital and back” by writer Kristina Hoppe; and “How do you manage to convey the world from a map-sized screen?” by Sandra Hartung and Felix Hunger. A panel discussion facilitated by Peter Lewandowski will wrap up the session.

In addition, a fure magazine with Sabina Sieghart and Ann Bessemans pleading to “Make Reading Great Again” and Sabine Reister stating that “reading endangers stupidity” can be ordered. Christoph Schall wonders if you always see what you read, Antonia Cornelius discusses how design influences reading, and Bettina Schulz explains what “visual gendering” means.

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