Gabriel Müller, German Design Award Newcomer Finalist 2019, talking about his work and the importance of good design.
3 min read
Cevec, a central venous catheter for use in cases of emergency. The system reduces the number of tools and amount of time required for the insertion. © Gabriel Müller

German Design Award Newcomer Finalist 2019

Gabriel, you are a Newcomer Finalist at the German Design Awards 2019. What does this award mean for you and your work?

I’m very excited about the award, particularly since the jury considered the nominees’ entire portfolios and not just a specific piece of work. It shows me that my previous engagement with design has a certain relevance and motivates me to carry on working in this field.

You say that what fascinates you about design is the investigation and understanding of human experiences, wishes and needs. Can you briefly explain what you mean by this?

In my work I design products, applications and experiences. People are always the starting point and goal of my design projects. I want to understand whether, how and why people use things and what they consider to be good or in need of improvement when they do so. For this reason, ethnographic design research usually forms the starting point of my design process. With the help of these findings, I then ask myself: what is a desirable future scenario? These guidelines then play an important role when it comes to the work of actually designing something.

In your portfolio you have various projects. Which is particularly important to you and why?

It’s hard to single out one project in particular. However, the project Central Venous Catheter for Cases of Emergency unites many of the aspects that motivate me to work within design: identification of a possibility to create added value, a design process that is analytical as well as intuitive and creative, and a result that connects materials and technologies in a practical way that addresses the needs of the user.

As a designer, it’s important for me to take a stance with regard to these questions, since in our work we also conceptualise an idea of humanity and communicate a possible vision of the future .

Gabriel Müller, German Design Award Newcomer Finalist 2019

What does good design in the 21st century mean for you?

We live our lives in an increasingly networked manner, and the bridging of time and space is constantly becoming simpler. I think that designers of the future need a high level of intercultural competence, in order to be able to create good solutions for many people. In addition, a product, service or application is always just a single part of a larger context that also needs to be considered and shaped. This also includes social or ecological questions, which are gaining in significance. As a designer, it’s important for me to take a stance with regard to these questions, since in our work we also conceptualise an idea of humanity and communicate a possible vision of the future. What kind of society do we want and how is this reflected in our work? As such, design is always somewhat political.

Gabriel Müller. Photo: Martin Diepold, source: German Design Council.

Gabriel Müller (*1989) obtained a Master’s degree in Medical Design from the Muthesius Academy of Art in Kiel in 2017. His focus is on themes including health, public transport and sustainability. His methodology is informed by the demands of human-centred design.
He has already developed various medical devices, such as a diagnostic device for measuring blood flow below the skull or a central venous catheter for use in cases of emergency. Müller works as an industrial designer in Munich.

First published in the German Design Awards 2019 catalogue.

Picture: Cevec, a central venous catheter for use in cases of emergency. The system reduces the number of tools and amount of time required for the insertion of a CVC. © Gabriel Müller

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