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© German Design Council

How does a brand manage to be included in museum collections and still remain suitable for daily use and attractive for the younger generation?
How can collaborations renew a traditional brand?
What makes a successful brand cooperation?

“connect. collaborate. continue. – the leitmotif of the GDC Summit 2023 – focuses on the potential of knowledge-networked and collaborative cooperation for successful transformation processes. In top-class lectures and discussions, experts from research and science as well as successful brand and design managers will talk about best practices in collaboration.

In three thematic blocks, the GDC Summit 2023 will report on the further development of brand strategy to focus on new target groups, present innovative cooperation projects and discuss processes, relevant partnerships and challenges. Last but not least, the focus will be on AI and new touchpoints for brand and design. The focus is always on a cross-industry exchange and forward-looking view of brand strategy and design processes.

At the GDC Summit, different industries and disciplines are linked – brand and design decision-makers can take away impulses, inspiration and concrete ideas for their own work “out of the box”. We have invited some of the currently interesting representatives who will present their strategies and concepts at the GDC Summit:

Julian Aisslinger, Head of Sustainability, Innovation & Responsible Communication at Marc O’Polo, Ann-Louise Collin, Brand Manager Trend Editions at Cosnova, Lena Hansen, Senior Brand Manager at Katjes, Dr. Florian Imgrund, Global Category Director Road Canyon, Andreas Kurbos, Founder and Managing Director studiokurbos, Nicola Stattmann, Product Designer and Founder of the Office for Micro Climate Cultivation, OMC°C, Philipp Thesen, Designer, Professor and Head of the HUMAN FACTORS LAB at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, and David Wojcik, Product Designer and Co-Founder of Boxbote, Innoit and kroot.

Register here now and be part of it!
Tickets are available at a reduced price for students!

Information about the event:

GDC Summit 2023
9 November, 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Porsche Museum Stuttgart
Language of lecture: German

Further information and your detailed programme can be found here.

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