A hundred years after the Bauhaus was founded in Weimar, the exhibition I am all glass ), on display in the Saxon Industrial Museum in Chemnitz, is dedicated to the functional and design possibilities of glass as a material. To this day glass is used in many everyday products, including eyeglasses, windows, fibre optic cables and monitors, as well as lenses in microscopes, telescopes and cameras. Glass has shaped the visionary beginnings of the Bauhaus like no other material. From 28 September to 1 December, 60 works selected by an international jury as part of the 7th International Marianne Brandt Contest will be presented in juxtaposition with works by the Chemnitz designer and Bauhaus artist, Marianne Brandt, displayed in a historical cabinet. In 1926 Brandt was appointed deputy director of the Bauhaus metal workshop, which she managed as acting director after the departure of Moholy-Nagy from 1 April 1928 until the appointment of Alfred Arndt in 1929. Besides Gunta Stölzl, head of the weaving workshop, she was the only woman to hold a position of responsibility at the Bauhaus.
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