Information design today. Exhibition in Zurich
The flood of information has never been greater or more intense than it is today, and no one can say what developments we can expect in the future. Designers were quick to recognise the importance of how information is conveyed, and have been using their skills in a meaningful and effective way to facilitate the communication of information to the intended recipient. Regardless of whether the aim is to visualise complex data, present scientific findings or journalistic research, create learning and teaching aids or provide signage to help people find their way round – information design relies primarily on visual and symbolic depictions rather than words. Memorable images, pictograms and diagrams have the power to illustrate complex facts by reducing them to the essentials, enabling the viewer to grasp the information quickly and intuitively. This can help to get the message across, but it can also be used to manipulate. Current trends and practices from this form of visual communication will be presented from 20 September 2019 to 16 February 2020 in the exhibition Wissen in Bildern – Informationsdesign heute (Knowledge in Pictures – Information Design Today) at the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich.