1 min read
© fischerAppelt

The entire world is looking for innovative and linked transport concepts. Yet despite a large number of options ranging from public transport to sharing services and hire/lease vehicles as well as bicycles and other modes of transport, user routines are only slowly changing. With “The Good Turn” (TGT) initiative, fischerAppelt – a content marketing agency – is looking to create awareness about individual transport patterns in cooperation with Philipp und Keuntje and consulting firm Umlaut. Their aim is to improve the transport in cities. According to a survey by polling company Civey on behalf of the initiative, 69% of residents of the ten largest cities change their usual mode of transport for everyday journeys either rarely or not at all. What’s more, an average of 79% use different modes of transport only once or twice per week.

That is why there is an index at the core of TGT that breaks down urban transport flows into one number. Transport data from various sources is fed into the status quo for each of these flows on a daily basis (with real-time input in planning), and the aim is to make each status quo available on an app. Like checking the weather in the morning, the TGT index will encourage users to adjust their transport patterns to the situation at a given time. Promotions and offers from the initiative’s partners are intended to make it even more appealing to switch to a different mode of transport.