1 min read
New position in Group Communications: Katrin Menne moves from Merck to Commerzbank.
Katrin Menne © z.V.g.

Katrin Menne, Head of Branding at the Darmstadt-based technology and science group Merck since May 2019, will move to Commerzbank in Frankfurt am Main by 1 January next year at the latest. Menne will take on a newly created position in Group Communications at Germany’s second-largest bank. In future, she will report to Sven Korndörffer, Divisional Board Member for Corporate Communications, who succeeded Richard Lips in the position in spring. According to Horizont online, it is not yet known what Katrin Menne’s specific tasks will be in the newly created position. What is certain is that with Menne, an experienced brand strategist is moving to Commerzbank as a bank that is currently going through a tough restructuring course and is realigning itself: “One could interpret her commitment as a sign that at the bank, communication and marketing – as in other companies – could move closer together in order to be able to place messages even more effectively, but also to save costs.”

Katrin Menne started at Merck in 2014 as Brand Communications Manager and left the group at the end of September as Head of Branding. This period included Merck’s new market presence and the Curiosity campaign, for which the company was awarded “Corporate Brand of the Year” at the German Brand Award of the German Design Council in 2020. Who will be the new or incoming Head of Branding at Merck is currently open. The position should be filled by the beginning of the year.

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