1 min read

In an increasingly ageing society in which urban spaces are changing and being ethnically reshaped by the digitalisation of all areas of life and a lack of affordable housing, and in an environment which leaves us wondering what opportunities will remain available to us in the future, many questions arise about life and living in the city: How do we sit? How do we slee? How do we eat? Are designer sofas overvalued? Can we find new ideas for our living environments? Are we prepared to question and rethink conventional ways of living and our ideas about morality? The exhibition entsesselt! Wohn- und Lebenswelten in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels (Unchaired! Life and Living Environments in Times of Societal Transition), as well as a series of supporting events hosted by the ifa in Stuttgart, aim to explore 100 such questions – seeking answers more from the realm of culture than that of design. The exhibition is open at the ifa Gallery in Stuttgart until 8 September 2019.