1 min read

The circular economy is a major topic. For sustainability to seriously be achieved, future plastic waste must be reduced. As a global enterprise which works with a great many synthetic materials, Adidas comes under fire again and again and has to respond to this criticism. In a video, Vice President of Brand Strategy at Adidas, James Carnes, explains their Three Loop Strategy, which is designed to enable Adidas to avoid plastic waste and promote a circular future. The strategy consists of (1) a Recycled Loop (a shoe is made from recycled materials), (2) a Circular Loop (products no longer end up as waste – all the components are wholly recyclable and can be reintroduced into the supply chain) and (3) a Regenerative or Bionic Loop (anything which cannot be recycled or put back into the production cycle must be biodegradable). In terms of marketing, the three loops are reminiscent of the trademark’s three stripes.