2 min read
Logo for the podcast “Auf eigenen Wegen” (Design: Jacob Heine)

Nele and Melissa run a design office together. They tell us how they found each other and what it’s like to co-found. In the interview, the two talk about why you are “married” when you co-found, what it takes to cooperate well, what challenges and help there are in the founding process, give tips on pricing and make it clear that the big goal is often not difficult to achieve if you take small steps along the way.

What do the creative minds do who leave the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with a degree, a lot of know-how and motivation and start their careers? What is it like to start your own business straight after graduation? What hurdles must be overcome, what challenges must be mastered? Martha Hennersdorf, a member of staff at the “neudeli” start-up workshop, explores these questions in a discussion with Bauhaus University graduates on the topic of “creative entrepreneurship”. The “Gründerwerkstatt” is the first point of contact for all those interested in starting a business at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. At the end of September, the first episode of the podcast “Auf eigenen Wegen” (“On your own path”) was published, in which alumni of the art and design courses such as Melissa Harms and Nele Schacht from the Weimar design office “parzelle34” report on how they started their own business.

More interviews will follow at two-week intervals, including with photographer Philotheus Nisch, product designer Laura Strasser, filmmaker Alice von Gwinner and game developer Milan Pingel. “The stories of the interview partners,” says Hennersdorf, “clearly show that there is no ‘pattern F’ – no right and no wrong – on the path to self-employment. Every entrepreneur goes his or her own way and yet we can learn from their individual experiences. The podcast “On Your Own Path” is available on the website of the Gründerwerkstatt as well as on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Podigee.

Please note that this podcast is held in German.

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