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Grafische Gestaltung: Process – Studio for Art and Design, 2023
© Process – Studio for Art and Design
The Fabric of Civic Teleportation, 2021
© Space Popular

Even if sketching first drafts on napkins and tablecloths remains possible: Designing is becoming increasingly digital. This is especially true if the designs are to be presented vividly. Computer-based tools such as renderings and AI algorithms have not only changed the conception and design process of designers and architects, they are also increasingly shaping our cultural, social, political and aesthetic understanding of how we design, experience and navigate space. With the help of new tools, new narratives, perspectives and possibilities for action emerge in virtual space that can continue in physical reality.

The thematic exhibition “/imagine: A Journey into the New Virtuality” is presenting an overview of the design strategies of this “new virtuality” at the Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) in Vienna until 10 September. According to the museum, it brings together “exciting, partly newly produced projects by international contemporary architects, designers and artists who deal in different ways with the challenges and potentials of virtual space and the associated social, ecological, political and infrastructural effects”. The spectrum of a “virtual production of space” is to be explored, in which architecture and urban planning in particular abduct the viewer into fictitious worlds of images and dreams that will never exist in this form.

The title /imagine: is the command that allows users to create their own architectural utopias with the open-source software Midjourney. Based on a descriptive text, an AI generates images that can be further varied and changed. The show is divided into four chapters: Speculative Narratives and Worldbuilding, Research Investigations, Dreamscapes and AI and Algorithmic Variation. Texts and information on the exhibited works are available on a project website.

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