Two expert juries have chosen the 25 most outstanding books in the “Best German Book Design” competition for 2021. The 14 jurors spent seven days discussing more than 633 entries. Katharina Hesse, Executive Director of Stiftung Buchkunst, said: “Once again in 2021, 25 beautiful German books showcase the entire spectrum of good design and its role in communicating exciting content.” The selected books include, for example, Deborah Levy’s The Cost of Living, designed by Erik Spiekermann, Shinroku Shimokawa’s Man kann keine Steine essen – Kochbuch eines japanischen Bildhauers, designed by Clara Neumann and Christina Schmid, Erdöl – Ein Atlas der Petromoderne by Alexander Klose and Benjamin Steininger with design by Pauline Altmann, and Wo kommt unser Essen her? written and designed by Julia Dürr. The winner of the “Award of the Stiftung Buchkunst” will be chosen from the 25 nominated books on 3 September.A third jury will decide which book will win this title and the prize money of EUR 10,000.
The winners of the “Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design”, which recognises particularly innovative and pioneering projects that take the medium of books to a new conceptual level, have also been selected. The were 170 submissions vying for the three awards, which each come with prize money of EUR 2,000. The winners were the self-published Zwischen Euphrat und Tigris, Archiv einer dekonstruierten Destruktion by Virginie Calvet and Felix Hunger, Culture Switch: Russland und China treffen Deutschland by Alissa Verj and Suki Su, and Eine Sammlung zu Margaret Atwoods The Handmaid’s Tale, designed by Kristina Hilse.
The “Award of the Stiftung Buchkunst 2021”, the awards for the “Best German Book Design 2021” and the three sponsorship prizes for young book design will be formally presented in September as part of a ceremony in Frankfurt am Main. An exhibition at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair will showcase all of the prize-winners and all of the shortlisted and longlisted books that the jury had to choose from.
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