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The most valuable German brands. The latest BRANDZ ranking

Currently, there is much discussion around the value of brands. Rankings are a means of both illustrating and endorsing a brand’s value. Kantar/BrandZ, a global market research company, has just published their most recent ranking, BrandZ Germany. It is notable that essentially little has changed compared with previous years: Germany’s most valuable brands are still those within the technology and automotive sectors. Once again, the top-ranked brand is that of the software company SAP. Last year the company’s brand value was estimated at USD 50.9 billion. This is followed by Deutsche Telekom, with a value of 44.9 billion, Mercedes-Benz with 22.1 billion and BMW with 21.9 billion US dollars. A new contender among the top 5 is Adidas (USD 17.1 billion), which is also the fastest-growing brand. Nevertheless, it is also noteworthy that retail companies have been able to gain significant ground and position themselves favourably within the ranking line-up. Among the top ten fastest-growing German brands are the three retailers Otto (+18 percent), dm (+9 percent) and Rewe (+7 percent). The industry magazine Horizont provides an initial analysis, which is helpful for gaining an overall understanding of the data.