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Trend: white remains the most popular colour for automobiles

BASF’s Coatings division is an international leader in automotive paints. But its expertise isn’t limited to identifying colour trends – it also analyses how colours are chosen in markets around the world. As the results from the BASF Color Report 2019 show, white was once again the most popular car colour in 2019. Whether driven on American freeways, the motorways in Europe or the expressways in China, about 39 percent of all new vehicles produced worldwide are painted white. Differences can be noted in the regional distribution. In Asia-Pacific almost one in every two cars is white, compared with just one in every three in North America and the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa). The next most popular colours are black, grey and silver, with the same combined total of 39 percent. This trend is also evident in the SUV market. By contrast, small, compact vehicles are often painted in more colourful shades.