Anyone who wants to build sustainable structures needs materials that make this possible. Building with plant fibres is innovative and creative because it encourages us to think about how we want to live in the future. In an online talk from 7.00 to 8.00 p.m. on 18 February, Dominique Gauzin-Müller – curator of the ifa exhibition “Fibra – Contemporary architecture with plant fibres” – will present buildings made from fibres including bamboo, straw, reeds, willow, rattan, hemp, palm leaves, bark and grasses (the online talk will be held in German only). Homes, schools, bridges, cultural centres, a sports hall and a wine cellar demonstrate the variety of uses and the ecological, structural and aesthetic qualities of these building materials. The projects were selected as part of the FIBRA Awards – an international competition organised by amàco, the French centre for research and experiments into the use of natural building materials.
Dominique Gauzin-Müller is an architect and freelance writer, Honorary Associate Professor of the UNESCO Chair of “Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development” and author of various publications, including “Architecture en fibres végétales d’aujourd’hui” (Plant fibre-based architecture today).
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