1 min read

Jetting through the tubes. Part of European hyperloop system complete

Dutch start-up Hardt has developed Europe’s first functioning hyperloop system. After a two-year test period, a 30-metre-long part of the system has been completed. The objective of the system is to connect Amsterdam with neighbouring cities in the Netherlands and Europe at maximum speed through a hyperloop. According to a study commissioned by the province of North Holland on the construction of a pipeline network, it could consist of five routes that would be fully utilised by 2040. The first route would run from Amsterdam to Leiden and The Hague, and the second to Paris and Brussels. If routes three and four ran to Duisburg and Düsseldorf, passengers would be able to travel from Amsterdam to Düsseldorf in just 30 minutes. A further route is intended to go from Amsterdam to Almere, Lelystad, Zwolle and Groningen. A research and development centre is planned for development in the next few years, with a three-kilometre-long tunnel to test the technology. Function-ready hyperloop technology would create a sustainable alternative to short-haul flights and rail travel.