How a wide variety of textiles can be designed, produced, recycled and disposed of is playing an increasingly important role for designers and manufacturers alike. From 21 to 24 June 2022, Messe Frankfurt will be devoting several trade fairs to the design processes associated with textiles, with the trade fairs, including forums, trend and special shows, taking place on site, but some of them also being accessible digitally. At Techtextil, the “Leading International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens”, international exhibitors present the entire spectrum of technical textiles, functional apparel textiles and textile technologies. In addition to the ‘Techtextil Innovation Award’, the ‘Techtextil Forum’ in Hall 9.1 will focus on current and future-oriented topics such as strategy, medical and hygiene textiles, smart textiles, architecture, biobased materials and recycling in lectures and discussions, which will also be accessible afterwards on the Techtextil Digital Extension platform.
Texprocess, the leading trade fair for the garment and textile processing industry, will be held in parallel. Here, the latest machines, plants, processes and services for the manufacture of garments and textile and flexible materials will be presented. The range of products and services covers the entire textile process chain from design, cutting, sewing, knitting and embroidery to finishing, finishing, IT and logistics. Texprocess 2022 will also be accompanied by a “Digital Extension”.
This year, the duo of Techtextil and Texprocess will be supplemented by the Heimtextil Summer Special of the international trade fair for home and contract textiles, at which the public can expect an international selection of home and contract textiles. Heimtextil Trends 22/23 offer designers, producers and all those interested a guide to the future. This year’s theme is Next Horizons with the trends Deep Nature, Hyper Nature, Beyond Identity and Empowered Identity. The Future Materials Library celebrates radical designers, innovative manufacturers and environmentally conscious producers who are helping to transform the linear system of production and consumption into a circular one.
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