1 min read

The Bauhaus-Archiv/Museum für Gestaltung in Berlin is gaining a new building. A series of talks about the museum of the future will address questions that have been concerning the team on their journey to a new museum – with guests and audiences, live at the temporary bauhaus-archiv and to listen to afterwards on-site and online. During “Talkshop Museum”, for example, there will be reflections on how to reach people who have never been to the museum, whether museums should have young people advising them, and how exhibitions can be designed sustainably. There will be six topics on six different dates, inviting guests with practical museum experience and experts from the fields of education, art and design to discuss their work and converse with the Bauhaus-Archiv team. The topics and dates are as follows: 8 September: Museum for all. 10 September: To whom does the museum belong? 22 September: Outreach – creating access. 24 September: Looking after visitors. 30 September: Exhibiting sustainably. 2 October: Art and the restaurant industry.