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The children’s and youth psychiatry unit at the University Hospital of Munich (LMU) has launched a helpful information portal called “Corona und Du” (English: “Corona and You”). The portal was realised in partnership with the Beisheim Stiftung foundation and was conceived and designed by Meiré und Meiré to concentrate on mental health during the coronavirus crisis. Even if the immediate health threat posed by the virus is mostly believed to be insignificant for young people, the psychological impact can in some cases be all the more extensive. This is where “Corona und Du” steps in to support children, young people and their parents in managing the pandemic period. The portal collects background information about the psychological impact of the coronavirus pandemic, though its primary mission is to offer concrete, accessible help. It discusses problems such as boredom and stress, and provides suggestions for positive activities and easy-to-implement tips in order to make it through this time with mental fortitude. For serious issues, the portal refers to recognised support centres and counselling services, as well as options for obtaining support through therapy. With the website’s positive look and feel and intuitive structure suitable for usage by children and young people, the intention is for these audiences to feel directly spoken to. “We are expecting a significant increase in mental illness among children and young people as a consequence of the coronavirus crisis,” says Prof. Gerd Schulte-Körne, Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Children’s and Youth Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital of Munich (LMU). Nineteen per cent of children aged between eight and 18 were already mentally burdened before the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Robert Koch Institute. Their suffering is frequently overlooked during the crisis. In future, the intention is for the site to include information for parents, too.